EarthNight is an illustrated procedurally generated platformer that takes place in a dystopian future just after the dragon apocalypse. Sydney and Stanley have had enough! They’ve decided to skydive back down to the planet, taking out as many dragons as they can.
- Jump and dash your way across the backs of dragons on your way down to Earth in classic 2D side-scrolling action.
- Unlock more than 25 gameplay-altering powerups that will aid you on your journey as you slay dragons and discover secrets.
- Experience a unique run no matter how many times you play thanks to near-infinite variations of hand designed, procedurally generated levels.
- Explore five layers of the atmosphere all brought to life by artist Mattahan, who meticulously painted each of EarthNight’s 10,000+ frames of art and animation.
- Enjoy an original, exciting soundtrack intertwined into gameplay, including more than 20 songs written and performed by chiptune musician Chipocrite.