It festers within you. A bitter mixture of anticipation and dread. One part of you can't wait. Another wants to run screaming for the hills. The terrible ritual is coming, a night of promises and lies and laughter and sorrow. Bodies will bruise and hearts will break. Anger will cut like a scythe. Love and betrayal and want and need. Fascination and desperation. Hatred and lust and envy. Fury and violence and death all mixed in a horrible, stinking mass... Your twenty-year high school reunion.
This Is a Lie is a GM-less horror RPG inspired by films like Gaspar Noe's Climax and games such as Chris Bissette's Heavy Steps on Hallowed Ground and Jason Morningstar's Fiasco. In it, players take on the roles or high school alumni attending their twenty-year reunion against their better judgment. What begins as a night of feigned politeness and dark secrets soon twists into a nightmare of mayhem and death. Can the players survive (probably not), or will they die violent, agonizing deaths (yeah, most likely this one)? Designed for 2-6 players to play in a single 2-3 hour session.